mercoledì 14 gennaio 2015

Samsung NX all in and Social

Sometimes the picture you just made need to be delivered or published NOW.

I found my NX very helpful in this situation.

The classic workflow in this situation would be to pullout the sd, find a pc and do the rest of the job...

The alternative, modern, method is use the editing capability of your NX and then publish or move the final result to the network via the SNS function.

This is how i do it:

1) I shoot jpg with a personal profile that add sharpening and contrast. The result is not perfect (i miss some black lvevls control...) but it is near to...

2) I move the picture i need to publish to the skydrive via the SNS. I love the fact that the picture will be resized to 2Mpix making it fast to move and better sized for the web

3) I own a Nokia Lumia so i have full native access to the Skydrve and can also edit the picture with Adobe in the phone itself

4) After later editing i can publish on any social i want! Usally instagram ( ) and facebook . To me the phone still the best gateway to publish images since is already connected and has a comfortable keyboard to title your picture

More Info:

Samsung Nx camera offer agood number of in-camera tools if you are a jpeg guy.

The basic is the color profile, you have a number to choose between, what i like is having a personal profile that add all the contrast and sharpening to my picture and sometime i switch directly to the smart mode (the faster way for a standard color profile selection) to get softer skin tones.

Then you have cropping function, some regulation (contrast etc) and addicitonal filters (skin smoothing?). Cropping has is limits since is tied to the review zoom(a bit tricky in the NX1100) and to the screen shape but still has its use.

To edit your picture all you have to do is press the PLAY button, select your image and then press the FN button. Your options are there.

RAW shooter?

If you shot in raw but need to SNS a jpeg version you can save it easy by edit something: add contrast or anylike....

martedì 13 gennaio 2015

izoom and low light

When high ISO and OIS are not enough to help you find the light, another magic tool is iZoom.

In this shot i set iZoom to 1.4x and focal is 35mm so the result is 50mm, but the shake tolerance remains thoose of a 35mm shot allowing me a shutterspeed of 1/8 handeld with ISO. I also gain f/4.5 apeture archiveing a 10Mpixel sharp picture.

So: iZoom+OIS+ISO1600=better aperure and stability at the price of some megapixel.


i did some field experimentation to add some information:

Focal ISO Speed F Resolution
50 6400 1/60 5.6 20M
35 (=50) 2500 1/40 4.5 10M
24 (=48) 1600 1/30 3.5 5M

I used the 20-50 lens, so minimum speed for non OIS lens was used.

As you can see you get much more light and lower ISO. Best result, to my taste, was the 10Mpix image, better balance between resolution and noise.

lunedì 12 gennaio 2015

Resetting AF box position to center

Yesterday i play with the focus position in my NX1100 and i was not able to get it back in the center, since i am new to the samsung system.

To move the focus poitn you need to press OK then the direction buttons. To reset the position just press the Custom/trashcan button.